Architecture of Consequence. Nederlandsk og norsk arkitektur for framtiden

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Nasjonalmuseet - Arkitektur, 09. mars - 27. mai 2012
Bøker og utstillingskataloger
Bouman, Ole, ed. Architecture of consequence. Rotterdam: NAi, 2010. ISBN 970-90-5662-
Mostafavi, Mohsen and Gareth Doherty, eds. Ecological urbanism. Baden: Lars Müller, 2010. ISBN 978-3-03778-189-0
Maas, Winy and Jacob van Rijs and Richard Koek, eds. Farmax : excursions on density MVRDV. Rotterdam: 010 Publ., 2006. ISBN 90-6450-587-X
Yeang, Ken and Arthur Spector, eds. Green design. London: Black Dog, 2011. ISBN 978-1-907317-12-5
Frausto, Salomon, ed. Hunch 13 : consensus designing the built environment necessitate intention and choice. Rotterdam: NAi, 2009. ISBN 978-90-5662-718-8
Maas, Winy. Metacity datatown : MVRDV. Rotterddam: 010 Publ., 1999. ISBN 90-6450-371-0
Havik, Klaske, ed. Productive uncertainty : indeterminacy in spatial design, planning and management. Rotterdam:NAi, 2011.ISBN 978-90-5662-840-6
Boxel, Elma van and Kristian Koreman. Re-Public : towards a new spatial politics. Rotterdam: NAi, 2007. ISBN 978-90-5662-625-9
Contal, Marie-Hélèn and Jana Revedin. Sustainable design : towards a new ethic architecture and town planning. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2009. ISBN 978-3-7643-9938-2
Feireiss, Lukas, ed. Testify! : the consequences of architecture. Rotterdam: NAi, 2011. ISBN 978-90-5662-823-9
McNeil, Donald. The global architect : firms, fame and urban form. New York: Routledge, 2009. ISBN 978-0-415-95641-3
Shannon, Kelly and Marcel Smets. The landscape of contemporary infrastructure. Rotterdam:NAi, 2010. ISBN 978-90-5662-720-1
Røstvik, Harald N. A source of energy : sustainable architecture and urbanism. [S.l.]: forfatteren, 2011. ISBN 978-82-300-0847-8
Hinte, Ed van and Césare Peeren and Jan Jongert. Superuse : constructing new architecture by shortcutting material flows. Rotterdam: 010 Publ., 2007. ISBN 978-90-6450-592-8