Kilde gård Artists: Ukjent (Photographer - uncertain) Hermann Major Backer (Architect) Creation date: Mellom 1970 og 1990 Object type: Photograph Not on display Artists/producers Ukjent Hermann Major Backer Architect Born 30.10.1856 in Oslo, death 21.05.1932 in Oslo Depicted place Work info Creation date: Mellom 1970 og 1990 Other titles: Kilde gård (NOR) Object type: Photograph Materials and techniques: Fargedias Dimensions: Width: 77 mm Height: 61 mm Keywords: Architectural photography Classification: 341 - Arkitektur Motif: Photographed drawing Motif - type: Architectural Motif - location: Åmot Inventory no.: NAMF.00229 Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Innkommet til Norsk Arkitekturmuseum Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Arkitekturmuseet, The Architecture Collections Photo: Ukjent Related works Hermann Major Backer Ukjent Photograph Mellom 1970 og 1990 Bolkesjø hotell Bolkesjø hotell Table Lenestol Bolkesjø hotell Lenestol Bolkesjø hotell Dining table Villa Sørkedalsveien Sculptures Picasso holder "Stranden" Carl Nesjar with sculpture