Villa Stenersen Artists: Jim Bengston (Photographer) Arne Korsmo (Architect) Creation date: Mellom 1939-1945 Object type: Photograph Not on display "Villa Stenersen" consists of: Show more Villa Stenersen Villa Stenersen Villa Stenersen Villa Stenersen Villa Stenersen Villa Stenersen Artists/producers Jim Bengston Photographer Born 31.03.1942 in Evanston Arne Korsmo Architect Born 14.08.1900 in Oslo, death 29.08.1968 in Cusco, Peru Depicted place Work info Creation date: Mellom 1939-1945 Other titles: Villa Stenersen (NOR) Object type: Photograph Materials and techniques: Positiv, svart-hvitt Material: Fotopapir Dimensions: Width: 23.8 cm Height: 17.7 cm Keywords: Architectural photography Classification: 341 - Arkitektur Motif - type: Interior Architectural Motif - person: Stenersen, Rolf (commissioner) Motif - location: Vindern Oslo Inventory no.: NAMF.01922.003 Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Innkommet til Norsk Arkitekturmuseum Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Arkitekturmuseet, The Architecture Collections Photo: Bengston, Jim/Jim Bengtson Related works Arne Korsmo Jim Bengston Photograph Mellom 1939-1945 Fisketørkestativ i Lofoten Uksan Robert Meyer From Ramsøya, Norway '82 Klopptjernshøgda Arkitekt Gunnar Fougners eget hus Villa Bengston From the Halden Exhibition Villa Bengston Villa Bengston Villa Bengston Villa Stenersen