Carl Nesjar Artist: Carl Nesjar (Photographer) Creation date: 1962 Object type: Photograph Not on display "Carl Nesjar" consists of: Show more Carl Nesjar with sculpture Picasso Picasso with sculpture Picasso with Sylvette Sculpture in studio Picasso and sculpture Artist/producer Carl Nesjar Visual artist, Photographer Born 06.06.1920 in Larvik, death 23.05.2015 Work info Creation date: 1962 Other titles: Carl Nesjar (NOR) Object type: Photograph Materials and techniques: Sølvgelatin fotografi, sort-hvitt Dimensions: Width: 239 mm Height: 180 mm Keywords: Architectural photography Classification: 341 - Arkitektur Motif: Natural concrete Sculpture Motif - type: Portrait Architectural Motif - person: Viksjø, Erling (previous owner) Nesjar, Carl (depicted person) Picasso, Pablo (artist) Motif - location: Ukjent Inventory no.: NAMF.02284.005 Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Innkommet til Norsk Arkitekturmuseum Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Arkitekturmuseet, The Architecture Collections Photo: Nesjar, Carl Copyright: © Nesjar, Carl/BONO "Carl Nesjar" is part of: Show more Sculpture Carl Nesjar Sculptures Skulpturer i naturbetong Related works Carl Nesjar Photograph 1962 Carl Nesjar with sculpture Picasso with sculpture Picasso and sculpture Sculpture drafts "Jacqueline" Picasso with sculpture The Y-block with Picasso's ‘The Fishermen’ Picasso with sculpture and caged owl Sculptures made from concrete Work by Tore Haaland in the Government High Rise Hanna Ryggens "Trojansk hest / Picasso-teppet" i Statsrådssalen Sculpture Sculpture scaffolding