The National Theatre, rebuilding of the 2. floor Artist: Henrik Bull (Architect) Creation date: 1948 Object type: Skjemategning Not on display Artist/producer Henrik Bull Architect Born 28.03.1864 in Oslo, death 02.06.1953 in Oslo Depicted place Work info Creation date: 1948 Other titles: Nationaltheatret, ombygging av 3. etasje (NOR) Object type: Skjemategning Material: Tracing paper Dimensions: Height: 254 mm Width: 462 mm Keywords: Architectural drawing Classification: 341 - Arkitektur Motif - location: Oslo Inventory no.: NAMT.hbu107.013 Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Aquired by Norsk Arkitekturmuseum Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Arkitekturmuseet, The Architecture Collections Photo: Andreas Harvik Copyright: © Bull, Henrik Related works Henrik Bull Skjemategning 1948 The National Theatre, rebuilding of the 2. floor The National Theatre, rebuilding of the 2. floor The National Theatre, rebuilding of the 2. floor Fra Finansdepartementets gårdsfasade Mogens Thorsens Stiftelse Ny teaterbygning i Kristiania Ny teaterbygning i Kristiania The National Theatre, plan of 1. floor Parafinlampe Fra Finansdepartementets fasade Proposal for a new Theatre Building in Kristianina Ny teaterbygning i Kristiania