"Squire Per?" said the KingIllustration for "Squire Per" Series title Artist: Erik Werenskiold Creation date: (1883) Object type: Drawing Not on display Artist/producer Erik Werenskiold Visual artist Born 1855 in Eidskog, Hedmark, death 1938 in Oslo Work info Creation date: (1883) Other titles: "Han Herreper?" sa kongen (NOR) Object type: Drawing Materials and techniques: Penn på papir Material: Paper Dimensions: Width: 152 mm Height: 114 mm Keywords: Visual art Classification: 532 - Bildende kunst Motif - type: Myths and fairy tales Inventory no.: NG.K&H.B.05118 Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Probably purchased 1888 Owner and collection: Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design, The Fine Art Collections Photo: Ivarsøy, Dag Andre/Dag Andre Ivarsøy ""Squire Per?" said the King" relates to: The King asked the Shepard Boy whom the red and white and black Horses belonged to The King asked the Shepard Boy whom the red and white and black Horses belonged to Related works Erik Werenskiold Drawing (1883) Telemarkskone, Gvarv Then the Man flew into a Rage, and ducked her both good and long Høna som skulle til Dovre for at ikke allverden skulle forgå Nisser som slåss Girls from Telemark The King asked the Shepard Boy whom the red and white and black Horses belonged to Girls from Telemark The Man Man, Telemark Riss av lite barn og kvinnehode September Herders at Tåtøy