Female Torso Artists: Gustav Vigeland Creation date: (1909) (modellert) / (1912) (hugget) Object type: Torso Not on display Artists/producers Gustav Vigeland Visual artist Born 11.04.1869 in Mandal, death 12.03.1943 in Oslo Work info Creation date: (1909) (modellert) / (1912) (hugget) Other titles: Kvinnetorso (NOR) Object type: Torso Materials and techniques: Marmor Material: Marmor Dimensions: Height: 113 cm Keywords: Visual art Classification: 532 - Bildende kunst Motif - type: Nude Inventory no.: NG.S.00987 Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Kjøpt for Houens fond 1914 Owner and collection: Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design, The Fine Art Collections Photo: Nasjonalmuseet Related works Gustav Vigeland Torso (1909) (modellert) / (1912) (hugget) The Sleepwalker The prostrate Couple I God creating the Animals Woman captured by a Man The Wave Death and Life Sleeping Young Woman Old Man and Woman Svevende mennesker To svevende mennesker Kvinne i svart kjole og andre figurer Gruppe av mennesker som beveger seg oppover