Score for a Longer Conversation

  • Artist: Bård Breivik
  • Creation date: (2003)
  • Object type: Sculpture

Not on display


Score for a Longer Conversation consists of several vertical, elongated shapes. Though various craft techniques and materials were used to fashion the sculptures, all have the same length.

The sculptures resemble simplified boats in appearance. Bård Breivik is known for working with archetypical forms, and nautical shapes and themes have virtually become his calling card. According to Breivik, the score is based on “the long tradition of building shells, from baskets and cabins and houses to boats and planes and cars”.

The techniques and materials have been culled from Breivik’s many journeys in Norway and abroad. According to Breivik, the sculptures act as a kind of travel diary. They are based on various experiences and impressions, and each shape can be read as a memory. Time is a key theme in the work on several levels. The work commenced in the mid-1980s and continued throughout the artist’s career. Breivik is known for creating many repetitions of the same image or shape. This is a frequent ploy in art history; Paul Cézanne’s apples, for example, were depicted on canvas over two hundred times. When the repertoire of images and shapes is minimized, the changes and variations become ever clearer.

In a Norwegian context, Breivik is seen as a pioneer in modern sculpture and installation art. He is known for his deliberate choice of materials and keen interest in traditional arts and crafts.

Text: Line Engen

From "Highlights. Art from 1945 to the Present", Nasjonalmuseet 2016, ISBN 978-82-8154-116-0


Bård Breivik

Visual artist, Sculptor

Born 23.11.1948 in Bergen, death 10.01.2016 in Oslo

Work info

Creation date:
Other titles:
Partitur for en lengre samtale (NOR)
Object type:
Materials and techniques:
forkrommet bronselegering
  • Length: 117.5 cm
  • Depth: 13 cm
  • Width: 14.7 cm
Inventory no.:
Cataloguing level:
Single object
Kjøpt 2005
Owner and collection:
Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design, The Fine Art Collections
Nasjonalmuseet/Børre Høstland
© Breivik, Bård/BONO