Lamp Artists: Formel Industridesign AS Aleksander Borgenhov Peek Traffic AS Norge (Manufactured by) Creation date: 2001 Object type: Lamp Not on display Artists/producers Formel Industridesign AS Industrial design Aleksander Borgenhov Industrial designer Born 20.04.1971 in Oslo Peek Traffic AS Norge Work info Creation date: 2001 Object type: Lamp Materials and techniques: Støpt plast og metall Material: Plast Aluminium Dimensions: Height: 90 cm Width: 30 cm Depth: 13 cm Keywords: Light fixtures Design Classification: 373 - Lys Style period: Modernism Production place: Norge Inventory no.: NMK.2005.0563 Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Gave 2005 Owner and collection: Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design, The Design Collections Photo: Nasjonalmuseet Related works Formel Industridesign AS Aleksander Borgenhov Lamp 2001 Object Redskap Object Rullator Skistaver Skistaver Skistav Skistaver Skistaver Skistav Lamp Lamp