D 80 Købillett dispenser Artists: Hans Ehrich Tom Ahlström Checkpoint Systems Inc. (Manufactured by) Creation date: 1976 Object type: Kølappmaskin On display: Room 021 The Collection Exhibition V06 - Designing identities Artists/producers Hans Ehrich Industrial designer, Designer Born 25.09.1942 in Helsingfors Tom Ahlström Industrial designer, Designer Born 30.05.1943 in Helsingfors Checkpoint Systems Inc. Industrial design Work info Creation date: 1976 Other titles: D 80 Købillett dispenser (NOR) Object type: Kølappmaskin Materials and techniques: Støpt plast og metall med papirbillettremse Material: Plast Papir Metall Dimensions: Depth: 5.2 cm Height: 17.5 cm Length: 26.5 cm Width: 4 cm Diameter: 13.4 cm Keywords: Design Classification: 347 - Forretnings- og kontorbygninger 384 - Syntetvareindustri Style period: Modernism Inventory no.: NMK.2007.0682 Cataloguing level: Group Acquisition: Gift 2007 Owner and collection: Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design, The Design Collections Photo: Larsen, Frode Related works Tom Ahlström Hans Ehrich Kølappmaskin 1976 Klappstol Table The three Ages Arbeiderbevegelsens håndbok [Uten tittel] [Uten tittel] Sevland School at Karmøy Kopp med skål Skål Radio Grefsen Terraced Apartments, site plan H. M. Kong Olavs Englandsdress