Terrin Artist: Uidentifisert kunstner Creation date: 1787 Object type: Terrin On display: Room 008 The Collection Exhibition - Systemising the world "Terrin" consists of: Show more Øse Work info Creation date: 1787 Object type: Terrin Materials and techniques: Glasert flintgods, creamware, med trykkdekor Material: Flintgods Dimensions: Height: 13 cm Length: 16.5 cm Keywords: Tableware Tableware Classification: 264.2 - Spising og spiseredskaper 323.1 - Keramikk generelt Production place: Leeds Storbritannia Acquisition: Kjøpt 1918 Inventory no.: OK-09285 Part of exhibition: Design and Fashion. Norway 1814, 2014 Cataloguing level: Group Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Larsen, Frode Related works Uidentifisert kunstner Terrin 1787 Terrin Øse King Frederick VII Relikviegjemme Villa Schanche Rockefilla nr.2 King Charles XV Arne og Grete Prytz Korsmos leilighet på Bygdøy Etui (container) Statuette Lysekrone Container