Vase med lokk Artists: Jais Nielsen (Manufactured by) H. A. Kählers verksted (Manufactured by) Creation date: 1919 Object type: Vase med lokk On display: Room 020 The Collection Exhibition - Ideals, crisis ang growth Artists/producers Jais Nielsen Visual artist Born 23.04.1885, death 08.11.1961 H. A. Kählers verksted Work info Creation date: 1919 Object type: Vase med lokk Materials and techniques: Støpt, glassert og dreiet fajanse Material: Fajanse Dimensions: Diameter: 6.2 cm Height: 13.4 cm Keywords: Decorative object Decorative arts Classification: 415 - Kar og beholdere Production place: Næstved Danmark Inventory no.: OK-09393 Cataloguing level: Complex object/artwork Acquisition: Purchased 1919 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Frode Larsen Related works Jais Nielsen H. A. Kählers verksted Vase med lokk 1919 Tightrope Walker Dish Skål Dish Bowl Vase Vase med lokk Vase med lokk Kantarosgruppen Vase med lokk Vase med lokk Vase med lokk