Flugten til Ægypten Artist: Sverre Pettersen Creation date: 1926 Object type: Stained glass Not on display Artist/producer Sverre Pettersen Designer, Drawing artist Born 01.09.1884 in Oslo, death 15.03.1959 in Oslo Work info Creation date: 1926 Other titles: Flugten til Ægypten (NOR) Object type: Stained glass Materials and techniques: Blyinnfattet glass med malt dekor Material: Glass Bly Dimensions: Diameter: 85.5 cm Keywords: Visual art Arts and crafts Building component Ecclesiastical Decorative arts Classification: 353.1 - Romutsmykking, fast 532 - Bildende kunst 726.54 - Kirker Motif: Biblical Event Church Motif - type: Religious scene or person Production place: Oslo Inventory no.: OK-18529 Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Tidligere innkommet, antagelig 1926 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Related works Sverre Pettersen Stained glass 1926 Nadverden Stained glass Karaffel Skål Oslo rådhus / Stockholm rådhus Ale glass Wine glass Mugge Bowl Stained glass Stained glass Stained glass