Table Artists: Peter Shire Memphis-Milano (Manufactured by) Creation date: 1983 Object type: Table On display: Room 021 The Collection Exhibition V02E - Designing identities Artists/producers Peter Shire Billedkunstner og designer, Designer Born 1947 in Los Angeles Memphis-Milano Kunstnergruppe og designkollektiv Work info Creation date: 1983 Object type: Table Materials and techniques: Laminert trefiberplate, stålrør, trekule, fargelakkert Material: Trefiberplate Stål Dimensions: Length: 75 cm Width: 75 cm Height: 60 cm Keywords: Furniture Design Classification: 322.48 - Møbeldesign 352.3 - Bord Style period: Postmodernism Production place: Milano Italia Inventory no.: OK-1984-0065 Cataloguing level: Single object Acquisition: Purchase 1984 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Børre Høstland Related works Memphis-Milano Table 1983 Lysestake Superior Vase Armstol Vase Table Bord Pin Table Table Bord Table Table