Teindelait | Lait de beauté Artists: Arys Parfums de Luxe (Manufactured by) Baccarat Creation date: 1919-1935 Object type: Flask (bottle) Not on display Work info Creation date: 1919-1935 Other titles: Teindelait | Lait de beauté (FRE) Object type: Flask (bottle) Materials and techniques: Glassflakong med parfyme, metallisk etikett og snor Keywords: Hygiene and toiletry Classification: 302 - Skjønnhetspleie og stell av kroppen 515 - Personlig hygiene 415 - Kar og beholdere Motif - person: H.M. Dronning Maud (user) Production place: Paris Frankrike Inventory no.: OK-1991-0862B Cataloguing level: Part of object Acquisition: Gift 1991 Owner and collection: Stiftelsen Kunstindustrimuseet, The Design Collections Photo: Frode Larsen Copyright: © Baccarat "Teindelait | Lait de beauté" relates to: H. M. Dronning Mauds parfymeskrin Related works Arys Parfums de Luxe Baccarat Flask (bottle) 1919-1935 Teindelait | Eau de toilette Rose sans fin Un jardin la nuit Flask (bottle) Un jour viendra L'Amour dans le cœur L'heure heureuse Etui (container) H. M. Dronning Mauds parfymeskrin Princess Norina Drinking glass Wine glass