Wilhelm Wetlesen Visual artist 25.11.1871–15.06.1925 Exhibitions (published) Show all exhibitions (4) Makt og magi Exhibition Illustrasjoner til Snorres kongesagaer Born: 25.11.1871 Death: 15.06.1925 Nationality: Norway Works in the collection (published): 8 Exhibitions (published): 4 Works in the collection (published) Outside the Paradise Walls From Lysakerelven Summer Illustration for the History of Magnus Erlingson Da fikk de se at en båt kom roende Ill. til "Magnus Erlingsons Saga" i Snorre Sturlason, Kongesagaer, Kristiania 1899 Erling og hans menn gikk straks inn for høgsetet Illustration for the History of Hacon Broad-Shoulder