Bjørn Winsnes Photographer 13.09.1925–25.11.2012 Exhibitions (published) Show all exhibitions (2) Piranesi and the modern age The Norwegian Glasshouse Born: 13.09.1925 Death: 25.11.2012 Nationality: Norway Works in the collection (published): 171 Exhibitions (published): 2 Works in the collection (published) Elkem House Elkem House Enebolig for Rostad Villa for direktør Winsnes Apartment building at Bjørnekollen Arkitekt Geir Grungs eget hus på Jongskollen Skullerud innføringsstasjon Apartment building at Bjørnekollen Apartment building at Bjørnekollen Geir Grungs eget hus Enebolig for Rostad Apartment building at Bjørnekollen