Tegneklubben (Bjørn Bjarre, Ulf Verner Carlsson, Pail Dring, Terje Nicolaisen, Martin Skauen), Untitled, 2004–2023
Photo: Nasjonalmuseet / Andreas Harvik
  • 31 May–25 August 2024
  • The National Museum

The National Museum’s collection continues to grow. This exhibition gives you the opportunity to see some of the works the museum purchased or received as gifts in 2023. The selection includes photography, jewellery, furniture design, paintings, installations, architecture and video works.

Ranging from 1950s jazz-inspired bracelets to shelved visionary architectural projects of more recent provenance, it offers everything from witchcraft and floral motifs to existential crises and a comic slant on life.

Works selected for this exhibition stretch from the 18th century until today and have come to the museum in many different ways: through private purchase, nerve-tingling auction and generous donation. Some acquisitions represent new names to the museum, such as Ask Bjørlo (b. 1992), Małgorzata Mirga-Tas (b. 1978) and Liza Walker (b. 1967), while others build upon previous purchases of artists we have followed over many years.

Caroline Friederike Friedrich (1749–1818) and Bitten Schei (b. 1950) are examples of how the museum works to increase the proportion of female artists in a collection, this being developed in the light of new perspectives in art history.

Although what the museum has the opportunity to buy and what we receive as gifts necessarily implies an element of chance, the new works in the collection nevertheless reflect a conscious policy, different from that of 10 years ago and no doubt different from that of ten years from now. The exhibition does not provide a common thread, rather a number of different threads you are at liberty to unwind. The exhibition’s title is borrowed from one of the featured works, a Tegneklubb drawing which is, in turn, a fragment of a larger narrative about a group of artists commenting on society and the artist’s role.  

Today, the National Museum’s collection contains more than 400,000 works in visual arts, crafts, design and architecture. The oldest works are almost 3,000 years old, the most recent from this year.

Read more about how the museum collects and what has been purchased in recent years.

Explore the exhibition in 3D

Project Manager: Guro Elstad, Lita Ellingsen
Exhibition curator: Geir Haraldseth, Stina Høgkvist, Bente Aass Solbakken
Curator Education: Ingrid Wisløff Aars
Adviser: Thomas Flor
Press contact: Mari Grinde Arntzen