Literature on "SNAP. Documentary and portrait photography from the collection"

Selected literature in the library
Aktuell. Nr. 24. Oslo : Ukebladet Aktuell, 1963.
Aktuell. Nr. 28-54. Oslo : Ukebladet Aktuell, 1962.
Alle jordens mennesker = The family of man. Oslo : Kunstindustrimueet, 1957. Exhibition catalogue.
Alveng, Dag. Asylum: Photographs by Dag Alveng. Oslo : KOKS forl., 1986.
Alveng, Dag og Knut Bry. Pictures that tell a story… New York : FileFlow, 1999.
America & Lewis Hine: Photographs 1904-1940. New York : Aperture, 1977.
Andersen, Signe Marie. Runway art. Oslo : Nordic Choice Art & Design Press, 2010.
Annika von Hauswolff, Jane & Louise Wilson, Weegee. Stockholm : Magasin 3 Stockholm Konsthall, 2000. Exhibition catalogue.
Arvidson, Kristoffer, ed. Mellan verkligheter: Fotografi i Sverige 1970-2000. Lund : Arena, 2014. Exhibition catalogue.
Bee, Harriet Schoenholz, ed. Winogrand: Figments from the real world. New York : Museum of Modern Art, 1988. Exhibition catalogue.
Blehr, Karin. Tom Sandberg: Fotografier. Oslo : Oktober, 1995.
Böhmer, Sylvia, ed. Per Maning: Photographien. Aachen : Suermondt Ludwig Museum, 1998. Exhibition catalogue.
Calle, Sophie. Doubles-jeux. Vol. 5: L’hôtel. Paris : Actes sud, 1998.
Calle, Sophie. L’hôtel. Paris : De l’Etoile, 1984.
Calle, Sophie. M'as - tu vue. München : Prestel, 2003. Exhibition catalogue.
Calle, Sophie. Take care of yourself. Arles : Actes Sud, 2007. Exhibition catalogue.
Captured by Norwegians: Robin A. Robinson. Bergen : Eide, 1958.
Cindy Sherman. New York : Pantheon Books, 1984.
Dean, Tacita. Tacita Dean: Seven books grey. Wien : Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, 2011. Exhibition catalogue.
Documentary photography. [S.l.] : Time-Life International, 1973.
The family of man: The greatest photographic exhibition of all time - 503 pictures from 68 countries - created by Edward Steichen. New York : Museum of Modern Art, 1955. Exhibition catalogue.
Fin Serck-Hanssen: Album. Oslo : Press, 2002. Exhibition catalogue.
Gange, Eva Klerck og Per Maning, ed. Per Maning. Oslo : Museet for samtidskunst, 2002. Exhibition catalogue.
Gange, Eva Klerck, ed. Manité 1962-1967: Arild Kristo, Robert A.Robinson, Dan Young. Oslo : Spartacus, 1998. Exhibition catalogue.
Goldin, Nan, David Armstrong og Hans Werner Holzwarth, ed. Nan Goldin: I’ll be your mirror. Zürich : Scalo, 1996. Exhibition catalogue.
Gronert, Stefan. The Düsseldorf School of Photography. London : Thames & Hudson, 2009.
Hassner, Rune. Jacob A. Riis: Reporter med kamera i New Yorks slum. Stockholm : Norstedt, 1970.
Heiferman, Marvin, ed. Die Ballade von der sexuellen Abhängigkeit: Nan Goldin. Frankfurt am Main : Zweitausendeins, 1987.
Hoegsberg, Milena, ed. Torbjørn Rødland: Sasquatch century. Milano : Mousse publ., 2015. Exhibition catalogue.
Jacob A. Riis: How the other half lives: Studies among the tenements of New York. New York : Dover, 1971.
Kaplan, Daile, ed. Photo story: Selected letters and photographs of Lewis W. Hine. Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press, 1992.
Kismaric, Carole og Gro Stangeland, ed. Lag av lys: Dag Alveng, fotografier 1979-1994. Oslo : Ex Libris, 1995. Exhibition catalogue.
Kölle, Brigitte, ed. Esko Männikkö. Köln : Oktagon, 1996. Exhibition catalogue.
Lange, Susanne. Bernd and Hilla Becher: Life and work. Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 2007.
Like a one-eyed cat: Photographs by Lee Friedlander 1956-1987. New York : Museum of Modern Art, 1989. Exhibition catalogue.
Maddow, Ben. Faces: A narrative history of the portrait in photography. Boston : New York Graphic Society, 1977.
Maning, Per og Thorvald Steen. Vindkommoden. Oslo : Koks, 1985.
Mette Tronvoll: Photographs. München : Schirmer/Mosel, 2009. Exhibition catalogue.
Mikkel McAlinden. Horten : Preus fotomuseum, 2002. Exhibition catalogue.
Mortensen, Rolf, ed. Bildet lever: Oslo kamera klubbs fotokavalkade 1921-1946. Oslo : Grøndahl, 1946.
Männikkö, Esko. Naarashauki: The Female Pike. [S.l.] : forf., 2000.
Nan Goldin: The golden years. Paris : Galerie Yvon Lambert, 1995. Exhibition catalogue.
Nilsson, John Peter, ed. Annika von Hausswolff, Knut Åsdam, Eija-Liisa Ahtila: End of story. Venezia : The Nordic Pavilion La Biennale di Venezia, 1999. Exhibition catalogue.
The 90s: A family of man?: Images de l'homme dans l'art contemporain. Luxembourg : Casino Luxembourg Forum d'art contemporain, 1997. Exhibition catalogue.
Okkenhaug, Eli, ed. Mikkel McAlinden. Bergen : Bergen kunstmuseum, 2004. Exhibition catalogue.
Parr, Martin and Gerry Badger. The photobook: A history. B. I og II. London : Phaidon, 2004-2014.
Ragaglia, Letizia, ed. Rossella Biscotti. Köln : Walther König, 2015. Exhibition catalogue.
Respini, Eva. Cindy Sherman. New York : Museum of Modern Art, 2012. Exhibition catalogue.
Riis, Jacob A. The children of the poor. New York : Garrett, 1971.
Rineke Dijkstra: A retrospective. New York : Guggenheim Museum, 2012. Exhibition catalogue.
Royoux, Jean-Christophe, Marina Warner og Germaine Greer. Tacita Dean. London : Phaidon, 2006.
Rubinfien, Leo, ed. Garry Winogrand. San Francisco : San Francisco Museum of Art, 2013. Exhibition catalogue.
Rødland, Torbjørn. Confabulatons. London : MACK, 2016.
Signe Marie Andersen: Splendid isolation. Oslo : Galleri Riis, 2008. Exhibition catalogue.
Strömholm, Christer. Picture show no. 1. Stockholm : Nordstedts, 1986.
Strömholm, Christer. Poste Restante. Stockholm : Nordstedts, 1967.
Strömholm, Christer. Vännerna från Place Blanche. Stockholm : ETC, 1983.
Thomas Ruff. Malmö : Rooseum, 1996. Exhibition catalogue.
Thomas Struth: 1977-2002. Dallas : Dallas Museum of Art, 2002. Exhibition catalogue.
Thomas Struth: Portraits. München : Schirmer/Mosel, 1997. Exhibition catalogue.
Tom Sandberg: Photographs 1989-2006. Oslo ; New York : Galleri Riis ; Museum of Modern Art, 2007. Exhibition catalogue.
Vibeke Tandberg. Roma : La Nuove Pesa, 2006. Exhibition catalogue.
Winkelmann, Verena. Fathers. Oslo : Teknisk Industri, 2014.
Winogrand, Garry. Women are beautiful. New York : Light Gallery, 1975.
Winzen, Matthias, ed. Thomas Ruff: 1979 to the present. Köln : Walther König, 2001. Exhibition catalogue.
Woltmann, Marit, ed. Torbjørn Rødland: Grav med utstikt. Oslo : Astrup Fearnley Museet, 2003. Exhibition catalogue.
Young, Dan. En amerikaner i Oslo: Fotografier 1962-1964. Oslo : Press, 2007.
Young, Dan. Precious times: Photographs by Dan Young. Oslo : Press, 2009.
Relevant literature
21st century portraits. London : National Portrait Gallery, 2013.
100 x photo: 100 photographs from the collection of the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. Amsterdam : Stedelijk Museum, 1996.
Ardenne, Paul. Face to face: The art of portrait photography. Paris : Flammarion, 2014.
Arvidsson, Kristoffer, Louise Wolthers og Niclas Östlind, ed. Mellan verkligheter: Fotografi i Sverige 1970-2000. Lund : Arena, 2014.
Berger, John. Understanding a photograph. London : Penguin, 2013.
Bogre, Michelle. Photography as activism: Images for social change. Waltham, Mass. : Focal Press, 2012.
Bright, Susan. Auto focus: The self-portrait in contemporary photography. New York : Monacelli Press, 2010.
Campany, David, ed. Art and photography. London : Phaidon, 2003.
Corris, Michael, ed. Conceptual art: Theory, myth, and practice. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004.
En fotohistorie: Fra synsmaskiner til Instagram : Preus museums samling. Oslo : Press, 2015.
Eraker, Rune, billeded. Norsk dokumentarfotografi i dag. Oslo : Press, 2009.
Eskildsen, Ute og Kaufmann, Bettina, ed. Street & studio: An urban history of photography. London : Tate, 2008. Exhibition catalogue.
Fischer, Hartwig, ed. Covering the real: Art and the press picture, from Warhol to Tillmans. Köln : Du Mont, 2005.
Gange, Eva Klerck, ed. SNAP: Dokumentar og portrett: Fotografier fra samlingen. Oslo : Nasjonalmuseet, 2017. Exhibition catalogue.
Gervais, Thierry, ed. The "public" life of photographs. Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 2016.
Goldie, Peter og Elisabeth Schellekens, ed. Philosophy and conceptual art. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 2007.
Hacking, Juliet, ed. Photography: The whole story. München : Prestel, 2012.
Hansen, Christine og Janeke Meyer Utne. Sakte bilde r: Samtidsfoto. Lillehammer : Lillehammer kunstmuseum, 2016. Exhibition catalogue.
Hershberger, Andrew E., ed. Photography theory: An historical anthology. Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2014.
Holmen, Monica. This is MOST important: en undersøkelse av Dag Alvengs New York-fotografier i lys av det amerikanske gatefotografiet. Oslo : forf., 2010. Masteroppgave.
Hurley, F. Jack. Portrait of a decade: Roy Stryker and the development of documentary photography in the thirties. New York : Da Capo, 1972.
Kelly, Sean og Edward Lucie-Smith. The self portrait: A modern view. London : Sarema Press, 1987. Exhibition catalogue.
Kember, Sarah. Virtual anxiety: Photography, new technologies and subjectivity. Manhester : Manchester University Press, 1998.
Klein, Alex, ed. Words without pictures. New York : Aperture, 2010.
Leet, Sri-Kartini. Reading photography: A sourcebook of critical texts 1921-2000. Farnham : Lund Humphries, 2011.
Marien, Mary Warner. Photography: A cultural history. London : Laurence King Publishing, 2002.
Mulligan, Therese og David Wooters, ed. A history of photography: From 1839 to the present: The George Eastman House Collection. Köln : Taschen, 2005.
Neubauer, Susanne, ed. Documentary creations. Luzern : Kunstmuseum Luzern, 2005. Exhibition catalogue.
Nordic now!: Special issue of Objektiv, Filter and Photo Raw. Helsinki : Musta Taide, 2013.
Parr, Martin og Gerry Badger. The photobook: A history: Vols. I-III. London : Phaidon, 2004-2014.
Papageorge, Tod. Core curriculum: Writings on photography. New York : Aperture, 2011.
Perry, Gill og Paul Wood, ed. Themes in contemporary art. New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press, 2004.
Rosler, Martha. Decoys and disruptions: Selected writings, 1975-2001. Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 2004.
Roth, Andrew, ed. The open book: A history of the photographic book from 1878 to the present. Göteborg : Hasselblad Center, 2004.
Sandbye, Mette. Det iscenesatte fotografi: Fem amerikanske fotografer: Diane Michals, Les Krims, Joel-Peter Witkin, Cindy Sherman, Eileen Cowin. København : Politisk revy, 1992.
Sontag, Susan. On photography. Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1979.
Thompson, Jerry L. Why photography matters. Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 2013.
Trachtenberg, Alan, ed. Classic essays on photography. New Haven, Conn. : Leete's Island Books, 1980.
Van Gelder, Hilde. Photography theory in historical perspective. Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
Veiteberg, Jorunn, ed. Kunst fotografi Norge: Forbundet Frie Fotografers 25 års jubileum. Oslo : Forbundet Frie Fotografer, 1999.
Wells, Liz, ed. The photography reader. London : Routledge, 2003.
Wichstrøm, Anne og Nils Messel. Portrett i Norge. Oslo : Labyrinth Press, 2004. Exhibition catalogue.
Yochelson, Bonnie. Jacob A. Riis: Revealing New York's other half: A complete catalogue of his photographs. New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press, 2015.