The Grosch Medal

The Grosch Medal is a Norwegian architectural award given to people who have made significant contributions to the quality of Norwegian architecture.
Launched in 2001, on the 200th anniversary of the birth of the architect Christian Heinrich Grosch, the medal was first awarded to Sverre Fehn.
The award can be given either for original designs of high architectural value, or for projects that promote the understanding of the same values through restoration projects or similar work.
The Grosch Society, which awards the medal, was founded in 2000. The society works to promote appreciation of the distinguishing qualities of buildings designed by Grosch, and via the medal to promote those qualities in contemporary architecture.
Former winners of the medal:
• 2018: Einar Jarmund, Alessandra Kosberg and Håkon Vigsnæs, Jarmund/Vigsnæs AS Architects
• 2014: Arne Henriksen
• 2012: Kjetil Trædal and Craig Dykers, Snøhetta
• 2010: Carl-Viggo Hølmebakk
• 2008: Helge Hjertholm
• 2005: Håkon Christie
• 2005: Kjell Lund
• 2003: Jan Olav Jensen and Børre Skodvin, Jensen & Skodvin Architects
• 2001: Sverre Fehn
Recipients of the award are chosen by the board of the Grosch Society. The board consists of representatives from the National Museum, Statsbygg and the University of Oslo. In addition, the board has four private members, all of whom are practicing architects.
Members representing institutions:
- Svein Stølen, University of Oslo
- Ingrid Røynesdal, the National Museum
- Birgitte Sauge, the National Museum (deputy for Ingrid Røynesdal)
- Harald Vaagaasar Nikolaisen, Statsbygg
Members elected by the board:
- Hanna Geiran
- Børre Skodvin
- Dorte Mandrup
- Geir Brendeland
Former members:
- Karin Hindsbo
- Nina Berre
- Øyvind Christoffersen
- Thomas Willoch
- Siri Munthe
- Kaare Norum
- Gunnar Stålsett
- Anne Lise Seip
- Ole Petter Ottersen
- Ingebjorg Hage
- Ulf Grønvold