The Voice. Quattrocento Artist: Mari Slaattelid Creation date: (1999) Object type: Painting Not on display "The Voice. Quattrocento" consists of: Show more Stemma. Quattrocento Stemma. Quattrocento Artist/producer Mari Slaattelid Visual artist Born 23.07.1960 in Notodden Work info Creation date: (1999) Other titles: Stemma. Quattrocento (NOR) Object type: Painting Materials and techniques: Olje på aluminium Material: Aluminium Dimensions: Width: 200 cm Height: 100 cm Keywords: Visual art Classification: 532 - Bildende kunst Inventory no.: MS-04266-1999 Cataloguing level: Complex object/artwork Part of exhibition: Painting in Norway 1945–2000, 2001 Acquisition: Kjøpt 1999 Owner and collection: Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design, The Fine Art Collections Photo: Nasjonalmuseet Copyright: © Slaattelid, Mari/BONO Related works Mari Slaattelid Painting (1999) Stemma. Quattrocento Lanterne 3 Stemma. Quattrocento Utside 3 Stempel 1-3 Inland Area Lanterne 1 Solitaire Krigsbarn Silent Cohabitations Uten tittel Will You Love Me Tomorrow Too I