Untitled Wall Painting (Total Revolution)

  • Artist: Gardar Eide Einarsson
  • Creation date: 2001
  • Object type: Painting

On display: Room 086 The Collection Exhibition - Recycled revolution


Gardar Eide Einarsson studied art in Norway, Frankfurt and New York. His work is marked by an ambiguous relation towards different countercultures and their manifestations. It is unclear if his works are fuelled by sheer fascination or critical investigation towards these phenomena.

Einarsson is particularly interested in outsiders who fight for a radically different society. His references range from punk to terrorism, including serial murderers and dictators. The figure of the outlaw that Einarsson refers to is a lawless dissident marked by radical individualism and opposition towards the existing. Einarsson is particularly interested in the individual’s struggle for freedom, threatening the centralized power of our surveillance societies. By citing these expressions of radical opposition as art works, Einarsson deliberately fetishizes and perpetuates the myth of rebellion and the figure of the outlaw.

Untitled Wallpainting (Total Revolution), for example, is a work of art that takes a spontaneous street tagging and transforms it into a work of art. Now the slogan is written on a white gallery wall with letters that are painted with stencils, which renders the once aggressively written ustatement into a calculated and pre-fabricated “instruction piece” ready to be set up again in any gallery context.

Text: Andrea Kroksnes

From "Highlights. Art from 1945 to the Present", Nasjonalmuseet 2016, ISBN 978-82-8154-116-0


Gardar Eide Einarsson

Visual artist

Born 1976

Work info

Creation date:
Other titles:
Untitled Wall Painting (Total Revolution) (NOR)
Object type:
Materials and techniques:
Akryl på vegg
Inventory no.:
Cataloguing level:
Single object
Purchased 2005
Owner and collection:
Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design, The Fine Art Collections
Annar Bjørgli/Høstland, Børre
© Einarsson, Gardar Eide/BONO