Staircase in the Park of the Villa Chigi Artist: Johann Wilhelm Schirmer Creation date: Antagelig 1840-tallet Object type: Drawing Not on display Artist/producer Johann Wilhelm Schirmer Visual artist, Visual artist, Painter Born 07.09.1807, death 11.09.1863 Work info Creation date: Antagelig 1840-tallet Other titles: Trapp i Villa Chigi, Ariccia (NOR) Object type: Drawing Materials and techniques: Akvarell over blyant på papir Material: Paper Dimensions: Width: 541 mm Height: 432 mm Keywords: Visual art Classification: 532 - Bildende kunst Motif: Ruin landscape Motif - type: Landscape Acquisition: Kjøpt fra kunstnerens enke 1865 Inventory no.: NG.K&H.B.16977 Cataloguing level: Single object Owner and collection: Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design, The Fine Art Collections Photo: Annar Bjørgli Related works Johann Wilhelm Schirmer Drawing Antagelig 1840-tallet Abbedikirken Maria Laach i måneskinn Storm The two Oaks Italian Landscape Oakwood Aftenstemning Fra den romerske Campagna Italiensk landskap Monte Soracte Skogparti med vindmølle Oak forest with two birds by the water's edge Stammer og steiner